Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Ya gotta see this!

The easiest way not to have clutter is not to bring stuff into your house in the first place. Plus it's good for the earth. This video is the clearest explanation of I've seen of how things are going wrong.

So yes, clutter is an ecological issue -- and a political one.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

one more load to Goodwill

plus lots of things went on freecycle. I cleared out all the magazines in the living room bookshelves -- it's amazing! There is plenty of room to organize everything! Turns out i have a magazine problem, or at least I used to. But the only magazines I get any more are Sunset and Better Homes and Gardens, and I promise myself that when I finish going through this HUGE pile of magazines, I'll tear out what I want as soon as I finish each magazine.

Oh, I put all my beading supplies and much of the knitting and crocheting equipment in the new crafts armoire! It's really cool. (Photos soon!)